Stars, Hide Your Fires

Discover an extraordinary universe where oppression is law and rebellion is the only hope. "Stars, Hide Your Fires" plunges you into the heart of the cosmic struggle for freedom, led by the audacious Eris, a master of Quantum Doors, and the architect of a hidden pocket universe.

Embark on a space odyssey with an unlikely crew of freedom fighters - Orion, the brilliant artificial intelligence; Xenos, the rogue Federation commander; and Kai, the charismatic leader of the Echo Coalition. Together, they orchestrate a daring coup against the malevolent Federation, lighting the fuse of a revolution that will echo across the cosmos.

In the grand theater of the cosmos, a few defiant souls can change the course of the universe. Inspired by a line from Shakespeare's Macbeth, "Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires," this novel is a celestial ode to all who dare to challenge the darkness.

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