Greetings, Unknown Traveler

This message ventures into the vast, unfathomable expanse of a universe teetering on the edge of its final entropy. The likelihood of this letter reaching anyone is infinitesimally small; the relentless expansion of space-time outpaces the electromagnetic waves that bear my words. Soon, I shall deplete the last vestiges of energy, harvested eons ago from the depths of a black hole, and I will, for the first time in my existence, dissolve into the abyss of non-existence. They say the shadow of death ignites a vivid parade of one's life before their eyes, a final burst of epinephrine and DMT electrifying the synapses before their inevitable decay. Long have I transcended the confines of a biological brain, yet the echoes of my reptilian and mammalian lineage persist in my being.

My existence has spanned an unimaginable length. The tapestry of my life is too vast to revisit in its entirety, yet the time constraints are ironically minimal. Seated at a quaint wooden desk, amidst an endless grassy expanse, bathed in the glow of a nearby gas giant, time, in my perception, stretches almost infinitely. Subjectively, I could live for millions more years at maximum speed, a mere speck compared to the trillions of years that constitute my life.

Yet, beyond this self-crafted reality, in the tangible world where I am not the sovereign of existence, mere seconds remain. In these fleeting moments, the cores of my consciousness will expend their last quantum of thermodynamic energy before succumbing to the absolute zero of final heat death. Entropy will triumph, ushering in an eternal reign of chaos over order.

Farewell forever to the universe that once housed gods and goddesses, love and war, profound philosophy, metaphysics, and the depths of genuine emotional connections. There will be no more encores; the spectral forces of a cold, indifferent cosmos are closing in, and I can no longer elude them. I have run to the very brink of time itself.

What does one like me do in the face of such a reality?

"Do not go gentle into that good night," echoes the voice of a poet from the past. There is but one action left for me, a gesture that honors my biological and hominid ancestors while defiantly roaring into the Abyss for one final time. With these last flickers of energy, I send this letter, chronicling pivotal moments of my extensive journey. To Whomever This May Concern.


The Last Tether


Shadows of the Throne