The Expansive Paradox: Compassionate Self-Interest in Ethical Action

The conventional understanding of self-interest typically draws upon visions of individuals acting solely for personal gain or survival. However, there exists a unique subset of human actions, seemingly selfless, that challenge this conventional understanding and require us to broaden our perception of self-interest. These actions, which manifest as voluntary self-sacrifice for others' wellbeing, invite us to contemplate a concept I label as 'compassionate self-interest'.

The act of taking a bullet for a loved one seems, at the surface level, to be a selfless deed, entirely counter to self-interest. However, if we probe deeper into the motivations and ethical constructs underpinning such an action, we discern a confluence of emotional bonds, personal values, and conscious decision-making. The individual prioritizes the loved one's life over their own because their personal value system assigns greater importance to the loved one's existence.

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The Limits of Opinion: Contesting Unchecked Tolerance


Out-of-Context Conjectures: Unfalsifiable Hypotheses and the Limits of Knowledge